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First steps

RoStore installation contains a simple CLI (command line interface).

The command name is rostore-cli. If this command executed within the installation root, the command will use the root API key as defined in the

To get a brief overview of the cli options, the command can just be executed without parameters:


Create a new container​

The following command will create a new container with the name test and maximum size of 100000 bytes:

./rostore-cli create-container -c test --max-size 100000

Create a key in the container​

Create a file with the value, e.g. with vi editor:

vi test-value.txt

Put any data to this file. The following command will create a new key (test1) and associate it with the value from the file (test-value.txt).

./rostore-cli put-key -c test -k test1 -i test-value.txt

List all keys from the container​

./rostore-cli list-container-keys -c test

The output should contain the key test1

Read the key from a container​

./rostore-cli get-key -c test -k test1

The output should contain the content of test-value.txt file