Interface Committable

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable
All Known Implementing Classes:
BlockContainer, CachedCatalogBlockOperations, CatalogBlockOperations, ContainerShardKeyOperations, DataReader, DataWriter, KeyBlockOperations

public interface Committable extends Closeable
Marks an entity that holds active blocks, which needs to be committed. When committed all the blocks are effectively made garbage-collectable and the blocks are flushed to the underlying physical storage.

Ro-Store caches the recent blocks, so if they get accessed by some other process or be requested again by the same process they might come again from the cache.

So, this operation enforces a flush of data, and make all active blocks disappear from the current context.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Operation commits all the active blocks.

    Methods inherited from interface

    checkOpened, close, getStatus
  • Method Details

    • commit

      void commit()
      Operation commits all the active blocks. It will mark the block to be garbage-collected, the data from the associated physical block will be flushed to the persistent storage.